Where did our thankfulness go?

As I walked into the house, nothing had moved.

Everything was in it’s place, just as I remembered it for the past decades of entering through that same front door.

The only thing was, for the first time, they were missing…

Like an untouched museum display their things stood there, staring barren and void. For the first time in my life, things had no weight, no value. Stuff was really just stuff.

That morning had been a whole different picture,  as I drove to work I drove with intention. The intention of checking off my to-do list, exceeding expectations, making it on time to meetings, bringing everything I had to please people and raise the bar…

That was until I received an unexpected text message, the worst kind, the one that said he was gone.

My grandfather had quietly passed away that morning. After I made it to his house, it was like he just vanished into thin air.

I just kept waiting to see him up and moving around or sitting in his chair quietly watching the television or even standing by the stove like he did when I was little but, he wasn’t. He was really gone from this world and all we had left was memories and things.

Since that moment of walking through the home him and my grandmother shared for many years, my heart has been seeing NEEDS and DESIRES differently.

God has allowed those hollow hallways to remind to realign my heart with his will and the work of his provision.

I know, it is a heavy topic for the week of Thanksgiving but it is so necessary, I would even argue ordained, for us to take a step out of the “I can’t evens,” the self inflicted drive, the holiday hustle and into the thank you for it all.

Even if just for one bleak day, to focus solely on thanks, praise and gratitude…

Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. Ecclesiastes 5:19

The thank you for the fact my kid peed their pants which made me put my phone down, exercise grace, and show them, even if only for a minute, that I cared that day.

Thank you for the headlight that is still out on my car, which has acted as a reminder to take care of the things God has gifted me, not to impress other people but for the provision my car will bring to another person someday and the ways it can bless people today.

As I have been reflecting on a life spent and what that looks like moving forward, God has taught me so much on what it means in the now.

He has pointed out something so special that I have spent my whole life overlooking….

In this holiday season, he ordained thanks to come before both giving and receiving.

You may not have much, you may be overflowing with things but missing a few important people, you may be in a season where it feels like you have it all. Just remember, in the loss, in the searching, or even the cup that overflows keep your eyes open for the opportunity to be thankful.

It doesn’t have to be extravagant or easy, just heartfelt and surrendered to God, whatever your lot.

Lord, thank you thank you for all of it. The messy, peaceful, broken, put together, and truth filled life that you have provided all of us. God I pray for those today walking through their own hurts and even those in their victories, open their eyes to what you are doing. Lord today, slow me down. Slow us all down to be thankful, truly thankful. I pray this message with great expectation In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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