Lineman for the Faith

Sundays in the Fall mean two things in my house, church and football.

Being from Texas, we love our football.

Some of my favorite childhood memories took place under the glow of the Friday night lights.

There was always something special about gathering together to cheer on your team as a community.

 It always brought such a sense of fellowship.

As any fan of football knows, there are two essentials to having a sound team a great offense and an equally great defense.

Though every team member is essential to success. There is one team member in football that can really make or break a season.

That being the Quarterback.

Every team knows a good way to stop a sound offense is an explosive defense.

 Having players who can break through the line and stop the quarterback has a great impact on stopping the movement of the ball and therefore the scoreboard.

If the offensive lineman fail to block, the team usually fails to score…

This week I have felt like a quarterback strained by a weak offense and an even weaker defense.

It seems as though the ways of the world have been slowly creeping in to the crevasses of my soul making it difficult to advance forward in my faith. I have felt hindered.

In this hindrance, I have felt the Holy Spirit repetitively whisper these words:

Guard your heart above all else,
    for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23

Like a quarterback, we need a sound offense on our side. We need key players like prayer, time in scripture, and true fellowship.

The presence of these things allows us to have a sound defense and discernment in life. It keeps our hearts and mind aligned correctly with God.

This world already has a presently strong defense we face, it isn’t difficult to see it. All you have to do is, turn on your television. It is filled with false images, coarse talk, idols, etc.

For me, I find the more my ears and eyes digest these damaging things, the weaker my offensive line becomes.

When I see and hear things that displease God, I personally feel a tug. I feel Him pulling me away and guiding me back to him.

Just like that quarterback, sometimes we have to break out of the chaos of the the line and into the backfield. We have to be present analyzing the area around us and looking for the things coming to damage us and hinder us in our faith.

If you are watching a movie with sexual content, ask yourself, is this honoring to God?

Those cuss words you want to let slip, ask yourself, is this pleasing to my Father?

The reaction you want to have, ask yourself, is this causing someone else to falter?

To be successful in faith we have to be on guard against the world. We have to strengthen ourselves in our faith to allow us to move forward towards Christ.

Are you doing that today? Do you feel that you’re heart is at its full potential or do you need to do some strengthening with your lineman?

Thank you Jesus for the indicators gifted through the Holy Spirit. Thank you for a growing awareness of where we are becoming weak and the way you constantly strengthen us. Lord help us today to be on guard in our faith and to propel forward into your marvelous light. God I pray that you allow us to see clearly the things that are blocking us from your will. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



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