Jesus the Genie

When do you pray? How often do you pray? Why do you pray?

As a child, I remember my grandmother always reminding me to pray. If I would express fear, she would say to pray. When my feelings would be hurt, she would remind me to pray. When anything would go astray it was always, just pray.

I love that she instilled these words in me. I did often pray in times of trouble and distress and could see God working in those prayers.

I would continue this way of prayer life into much of my adult years. It seemed like things would be going well for a while and my prayer life would sort of die out. 

Then, all of a sudden, mahyem would strike and to me knees I went.

It was like when the world was all going well, I thought I didn’t really need God. I was good and I had everything under control. I would think to myself, I can solve this one, God has bigger problems to help people with.

Prayer was always a last resort, I made Jesus my genie in a bottle. 

I would only tap into his “power” if I really needed a miracle. Other than that, my bible and my genie stayed at a good distance. Usually burried in the back of a drawer, dusty and discounted.

Later in life, I had a realization. Jesus does not want to be my genie, he longs to be my savior.

He was not just there to serve me, I am called to serve and praise him.


v: express warm approval or admiration of

n: the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.

What did that even look like? I mean I would say out loud a thank you God when things went my way.

 That was good enough right?


I was shorthanding not only God but myself.

 You see the true value of prayer means in the midst of mayhem you aren’t just shouting requests into the darkness in hopes you are being heard, it means you are still praising God through the storm because you know you are heard. 

Prayer life is constant, in all things and for all things because God is.  He is a loving Father who wants this open line of communication with his children. 

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians‬ ‭6:18

It’s a privilege and a gift from God that few people experienced before the resurrection. Don’t stifle it.

I encourage you, open your bible today, invite God to reveal himself to you, and before you close your reading ask him what he needs from you today. 

Sit, wait, and listen. 

Keep doing it, in all seasons.

Do not minimize God to a genie, maximize him in all his fullness. It will change your life.

Jesus, thank you for tearing the veil so that we could experience the fullness of you. Thank you for being ever present in our times of joy and need. Thank you for a present Holy Spirit that dwells within us. Reveal yourself to us more today in all that you are. In Jesus name, amen.


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