I am voting Jesus

IMG_3134.PNGThis morning, I listened to two local morning show hosts talk about the presidential election. They took advantage of the time of year and used halloween as a way to illustrate the current political atmosphere of our country. 

They compared the attitude of voters to young children walking past gory halloween decor or witnessing a horror film at a young age. They explained there are basically two sides of the spectrum: either you talk a big talk about your political stance whilst you internally fear the future outcome or you chose to not act at all and just sit back and watch in fear. Either way, it is no secret that this election has many Americans more ready to run for the hills than to the polls. 

I can completely empathize with the fear of the unknown at times. Electing a political leader is a scary choice. No matter how well versed we are in their proposals to make improvements to our current status as a country, we can not see into the future. This is all true but there is one truth that is bigger, Jesus reigns.

Does this mean we just choose to sit out and be inactive in the decisions of our country? No, of course not. Absolutely, we need to be involved in voting for a leader but in doing so, we need to be reminded that we already have a Savior.

We need to get out of the comment sections of our friends and family and onto our knees.

 We need to listen to the problems and issues with compassionate hearts, Ephesians 4:2-3.

We need to pray for those in power, 1 Timothy 2:1-3.

We need to pay attention to what is going on in the world around us, Mark 13:35-36.

We need to not be anxious but to be hopeful and prayerful, Philippians 4:6.

This election year, do not just tell someone who to vote for. Remind them of the King who as already come and will come again.

Do not settle for being more passionate about giving your political stance than you are about sharing the gospel.

You want to make a difference in the world? Lets make a plan to get off Facebook and into The Book. We need to make time to have time with the one who knows what is to come.

That is how we will be restored as a people, as a country, and as a unified race of God’s children.

I don’t know about you but, I am sick of the lies and the slander of the enemy. I am sick of seeing us as a torn family. I am not buying it.

Paul  reminds us in, Hebrews 2:10:

“God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation.”

We already have a perfect leader. We already have a leader coming to restore not just our country but the whole earth. His name is Jesus, Isaiah 9:6.

He is coming to bring us back unity, justice, freedom from oppression, and give us riches so abundant that they cannot be counted.

I pray for our country Jesus. I pray that you would equip us to be a restored as one nation, under God. I pray that our hearts would come to you before any man. I pray for those in office and for the candidates of this election. May your perfect will be done upon us. May we turn to you. Thank you for not abandoning us to suffer God. Thank you for the promises of your word. Thank you for being a loving God who won’t leave us. Thank you for being all powerful and all knowing when we do not know what to do. I will place my faith in you. Please Lord Jesus come. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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