An Open Letter to my Single Girls


Dear sisters,

Where do I begin to tell you of how much you and your love for the Lord has encouraged me? I am have been so inspired by your passion in the way you seek him in all that you do and your strength in the face of temptation.

I know this is difficult to feel like you walk through  life alone and so does God.

Remember, when God created Adam, he placed him in the Garden and kept watch over him. As the Lord observed Adam and saw it was not good for him to be alone.

The Lord has watched you as you have longingly gazed  at the couples who pass you by in public. He has noticed that gaps between your fingers desire to be filled by the man who will love you. He has observed you as the boy you thought could be a great boyfriend chose someone else.

But do you know what else God has noticed?

He saw how you faithfully sought him in the process of finding the man he has made for you. He watched you living out a life of obedience and seeking a relationship with him above all.

It brings him such pleasure.

Have you seen him? Have you felt him when your flesh wanted to fail? Has his spirit told you that what you are seeking is not life-giving?

What a faithful God to keep you from harm.

What a wonderful father, to keep his daughter in the grasp of his safety instead of in the arms of a man who will lead her to heartbreak.

He was so thoughtful when he created you, he will deliver your counterpart who will be your helper.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” Genesis 2:18

He made a man for you already. A man who will see you as his equal, he made you from the rib of that very man rather than the dust of the ground so that you would both have a reminder of this. (Genesis 2:21-24)

You will be viewed as an extension of him and as a great gift from his creator. I beg of you, do not to compromise that in a fleeting moment of lust or temptation. A man who loves you will lay his life down for you, he will value your purity. (Ephesians 5:25-30)

God asks you to wait for the right man for a reason. (Song of Solomon 2:7)

You are not missing out on something, he withholds no good thing from those who love him. (Psalm 84:11)

You are his daughter, he has created a man who will lead you to him and not away from him. He wants you to have a fulfilling relationship one day, a marriage that mimics the bride of the Christ.

I say this not half heartedly but whole heartedly, as a sister who robbed herself of that beautiful purity God had to offer. I was the girl who did not wait. I was the girl who ran from the love of an all-knowing father into the dark corners of the temptation Satan laid before me. I took the bait.

Now, as a married woman, I have gazed into the eyes of the one God made for me and witnessed God’s craftmanship.

Still, a parts of me have ached because I see the gift I have. I have seen how cherished I am by him. I have seen how he is my perfect counterpart. I have recognized that God kept no good thing from me, I kept it from me. I lead myself into heartbreak that he never intended for me.

I know some of you have felt that hurt already, do not look away in shame. You can be made new and washed clean. I know you have seen the snares of the devils traps and I am so sorry for the hurt you have felt. That was not what he intended for you but, he has granted you freedom and redemtption.

I pray with deep passion that you flee from any man who pursues the desires of his flesh over the love of the Lord. Jesus protect my girls from the ruin of the enemy. Jesus take this bondage and exchange it for freedom. Allow her to forgive herself as you have. I pray for my girls who are longing for that special man to be fulfilled by you in their waiting. I pray for you to speak audibly into those lonely places when they are tempted to fill them with anything but your perfection. I pray that you would give them grace and discernment father. I thank you for how good you are to be our whole love. I thank you for this example of love that you have provided in Jesus Christ and for your Holy Spirit that leads us.

My girls, my sisters, I assure you God’s plan for you is good. He will fulfill you and sustain you long after your helper in this life. Be strong, you are a priceless treasure.



Your sister in Christ

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